Leeds – 24/05/15
Reviews and Jellymould interview/EPK
Since the release of the Wild Flower album in February we’ve been having a steady stream of reviews coming in which has been great to see.
In print, we’ve been in Jazzwise and Jazz Journal (with 5 stars), and then there’s been the online blogs such as Mike Collins, Adrian Pallant, Ian Mann and Marlbank. Press cuttings are up on the Wild Flower page.
In the same vein, I’ve recently completed an interview/EPK (electronic press kit) for the album which features a load of clips from the album behind me rambling on about various things. You can see it on YouTube here:
In other news, the Jiannis Pavlidis / Matt Anderson duo album is nearing completion – it’s in the final mastering stages now and artwork is being designed. We’re releasing it as an online-only album through New Jazz Records, a great new label set up by James Hamilton, and it should be available in the next month or two.
Leeds, West Yorkshire – 08/05/15
Leeds – 25/04/15
Darlington – 24/04/15
Huddersfield – 18/04/15
Wild Flower is out!
Just a quick note to say that, as of the 9th of March, the Wild Flower Sextet debut album is now released! You can get a copy from the Jellymould Jazz website (www.jellymouldjazz.net) or this Amazon link.
There are a few more reviews coming in, notably a great one from Adrian Pallant’s blog which you can read here.